FeenoX - a cloud-first free no-X uniX-like finite-element(ish) computational engineering tool
The basic usage is to execute the feenox binary passing a path to an input file that defines the problem, along with other options and command-line replacement arguments which are explained below:
feenox [options ...] input-file [optional_commandline_replacement_arguments ...]
For large problems that do not fit in a single computer, a parallel
run using mpirun(1)
will be needed:
mpirun -n number_of_threads feenox [options ...] input-file [optional_commandline_replacement_arguments ...]
FeenoX is a computational tool that can solve engineering problems which are usually casted as differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) or partial differential equations (PDEs). It is to finite elements programs and libraries what Markdown is to Word and TeX, respectively. In particular, it can solve
dynamical systems defined by a set of user-provided DAEs (such as plant control dynamics for example)
mechanical elasticity
heat conduction
structural modal analysis
neutron diffusion
neutron transport
FeenoX reads a plain-text input file which contains the problem
definition and writes 100%-user defined results in ASCII (through
or other user-defined output instructions within the
input file). For PDE problems, it needs a reference to at least one Gmsh
mesh file for the discretization of the domain. It can write
post-processing views in either .msh
or .vtk
Keep in mind that FeenoX is just a back end reading a set of input files and writing a set of output files following the design philosophy of Unix (separation, composition, representation, economy, extensibility, etc). Think of it as a transfer function (or a filter in computer-science jargon) between input files and output files:
mesh (*.msh) } | | { terminal
data (*.dat) } input ----> | FeenoX |----> output { data files
input (*.fee) } | | { post (vtk/msh)
Following the Unix programming philosophy, there are no graphical interfaces attached to the FeenoX core, although a wide variety of pre and post-processors can be used with FeenoX. To illustrate the transfer-function approach, consider the following input file that solves Laplace’s equation ∇^2^ϕ = 0 on a square with some space-dependent boundary conditions:
ϕ(x, y) = +y for x = −1 (left)
ϕ(x, y) = −y for x = +1 (right)
∇ϕ ⋅ n̂ = sin (π/2x) for y = −1 (bottom)
∇ϕ ⋅ n̂ = 0 for y = +1 (top)
PROBLEM laplace 2d
READ_MESH square-centered.msh # [-1:+1]x[-1:+1]
# boundary conditions
BC left phi=+y
BC right phi=-y
BC bottom dphidn=sin(pi/2*x)
BC top dphidn=0
# same output in .msh and in .vtk formats
WRITE_MESH laplace-square.msh phi VECTOR dphidx dphidy 0
WRITE_MESH laplace-square.vtk phi VECTOR dphidx dphidy 0
.PP Laplace’s equation solved with FeenoX
The .msh
file can be post-processed with Gmsh, and the
file can be post-processed with Paraview. See
https://www.caeplex.com for a mobile-friendly web-based interface for
solving finite elements in the cloud directly from the browser.
feenox [options] inputfile [replacement arguments] [petsc options]
, --help
display options and detailed explanations of command-line usage
, --version
display brief version information and exit
, --versions
display detailed version information
, --check
validates if the input file is sane or not
list the types of PROBLEM
s that FeenoX can solve, one
per line
output a document with information about the supported element types
dump an abstract syntax tree of the input
force FeenoX to solve the PDE problem as linear
force FeenoX to solve the PDE problem as non-linear
print ASCII progress bars when solving PDEs
ask PETSc to use the direct linear solver MUMPS
Instructions will be read from standard input if “-” is passed as
, i.e.
$ echo 'PRINT 2+2' | feenox -
The optional [replacement arguments]
part of the command
line mean that each argument after the input file that does not start
with an hyphen will be expanded verbatim in the input file in each
occurrence of $1
, $2
, etc. For example
$ echo 'PRINT $1+$2' | feenox - 3 4
PETSc and SLEPc options can be passed in [petsc options]
(or [options]
) as well, with the difference that two
hyphens have to be used instead of only once. For example, to pass the
PETSc option -ksp_view
the actual FeenoX invocation should
$ feenox input.fee --ksp_view
For PETSc options that take values, en equal sign has to be used:
$ feenox input.fee --mg_levels_pc_type=sor
See https://www.seamplex.com/feenox/examples for annotated examples.
Catastrophically abort the execution and quit FeenoX.
Whenever the instruction ABORT
is executed, FeenoX quits
with a non-zero error leve. It does not close files nor unlock shared
memory objects. The objective of this instruction is to either debug
complex input files by using only parts of them or to conditionally
abort the execution using IF
Define a scalar alias of an already-defined identifier.
ALIAS { <new_var_name> IS <existing_object> | <existing_object> AS <new_name> }
The existing object can be a variable, a vector element or a matrix
element. In the first case, the name of the variable should be given as
the existing object. In the second case, to alias the second element of
vector v
to the new name new
should be given as the existing object. In the third
case, to alias second element (2,3) of matrix M
to the new
name new
, M(2,3)
should be given as the
existing object.
Explicitly close a file after input/output.
CLOSE <name>
The given <name>
can be either a fixed-string path
or an already-defined FILE
Give a default value for an optional commandline argument.
DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_VALUE <constant> <string>
If a $n
construction is found in the input file but the
commandline argument was not given, the default behavior is to fail
complaining that an extra argument has to be given in the commandline.
With this keyword, a default value can be assigned if no argument is
given, thus avoiding the failure and making the argument optional. The
should be 1, 2, 3, etc. and
will be expanded character-by-character
where the $n
construction is. Whether the resulting
expression is to be interpreted as a string or as a numerical expression
will depend on the context.
Define a file with a particularly formatted name to be used either as input or as output.
< FILE | OUTPUT_FILE | INPUT_FILE > <name> PATH <format> expr_1 expr_2 ... expr_n [ INPUT | OUTPUT | APPEND | MODE <fopen_mode> ]
For reading or writing into files with a fixed path, this instruction
is usually not needed as the FILE
keyword of other
instructions (such as PRINT
) can take
a fixed-string path as an argument. However, if the file name changes as
the execution progresses (say because one file for each step is needed),
then an explicit FILE
needs to be defined with this keyword
and later referenced by the given name.
The path should be given as a printf
-like format string
followed by the expressions which should be evaluated in order to obtain
the actual file path. The expressions will always be floating-point
expressions, but the particular integer specifier %d
allowed and internally transformed to %.0f
. The file can be
explicitly defined and INPUT
or a
certain fopen()
mode can be given (i.e. “a”). If not
explicitly given, the nature of the file will be taken from context,
i.e. FILE
s in PRINT
will be
and FILE
. This keyword just defines the FILE
it does not open it. The file will be actually opened (and eventually
closed) automatically. In the rare case where the automated opening and
closing does not fit the expected workflow, the file can be explicitly
opened or closed with the instructions FILE_OPEN
Find parameters to fit an analytical function to a pointwise-defined function.
FIT <function_to_be_fitted> TO <function_with_data> VIA <var_1> <var_2> ... <var_n>
[ GRADIENT <expr_1> <expr_2> ... <expr_n> ]
[ RANGE_MIN <expr_1> <expr_2> ... <expr_j> ]
[ RANGE_MAX <expr_1> <expr_2> ... <expr_n> ]
[ TOL_REL <expr> ] [ TOL_ABS <expr> ] [ MAX_ITER <expr> ]
The function with the data has to be point-wise defined (i.e. a
read from a file, with inline DATA
defined over a mesh). The function to be fitted has to be parametrized
with at least one of the variables provided after the USING
keyword. For example to fit
f(x, y) = ax^2^ + bsqrt(y)
to a pointwise-defined function g(x, y) one
gives FIT f TO g VIA a b
. Only the names of the functions
have to be given, not the arguments. Both functions have to have the
same number of arguments. The initial guess of the solution is given by
the initial value of the variables after the VIA
Analytical expressions for the gradient of the function to be fitted
with respect to the parameters to be fitted can be optionally given with
keyword. If none is provided, the gradient
will be computed numerically using finite differences. A range over
which the residuals are to be minimized can be given with
. The expressions give
the range of the arguments of the functions, not of the parameters. For
multidimensional fits, the range is an hypercube. If no range is given,
all the definition points of the function with the data are used for the
fit. Convergence can be controlled by giving the relative and absolute
tolreances with TOL_REL
) and TOL_ABS
), and with the maximum number of
iterations MAX_ITER
the optional keyword VERBOSE
is given, some data of the
intermediate steps is written in the standard output.
Define a scalar function of one or more variables.
FUNCTION <function_name>(<var_1>[,var2,...,var_n]) {
= <expr> |
FILE { <file> } |
VECTORS <vector_1> <vector_2> ... <vector_n> <vector_data> |
MESH <mesh> |
DATA <num_1> <num_2> ... <num_N>
[ COLUMNS <expr_1> <expr_2> ... <expr_n> <expr_n+1> ]
[ INTERPOLATION { linear | polynomial | spline | spline_periodic | akima | akima_periodic | steffen |
nearest | shepard | shepard_kd | bilinear } ]
The number of variables n is given by the number of
arguments given between parenthesis after the function name. The
arguments are defined as new variables if they had not been already
defined explicitly as scalar variables. If the function is given as an
algebraic expression, the short-hand operator =
for compatibility with Maxima) can be used. That is to
say, FUNCTION f(x) = x^2
is equivalent to
f(x) = x^2
(or f(x) := x^2
). If a
is given, an ASCII file containing at least
n + 1 columns is expected. By default, the first n
columns are the values of the arguments and the last column is the value
of the function at those points. The order of the columns can be changed
with the keyword COLUMNS
, which expects n + 1
expressions corresponding to the column numbers. If VECTORS
is given, a set of n + 1 vectors of the same size is expected.
The first n correspond to the arguments and the last one to the
function values. If MESH
is given, the function is
point-wise defined over the mesh topology. That is to say, the
independent variables (i.e. the spatial coordinates) coincide with the
mesh nodes. The dependent variable (i.e. the function value) is set by
“filling” a vector named vec_f
(where f
has to
be replaced with the function name) of size equal to the number of
The function can be pointwise-defined inline in the input using
. This should be the last keyword of the line, followed
by N = k ⋅ (n + 1) expressions giving
k definition points: n arguments and the value of the
function. Multiline continuation using brackets {
can be used for a clean data organization. Interpolation
schemes can be given for either one or multi-dimensional functions with
. Available schemes for n = 1
polynomial, the grade is equal to the number of data minus one
spline, cubic (needs at least 3 points)
akima (needs at least 5 points)
akima_periodic (needs at least 5 points)
steffen, always-monotonic splines-like interpolator
Default interpolation scheme for one-dimensional functions is
Available schemes for n > 1 are:
nearest, f(x⃗) is equal to the value of the closest definition point
shepard, inverse distance weighted average definition points (might lead to inefficient evaluation)
shepard_kd, average of definition points within a kd-tree (more
efficient evaluation provided SHEPARD_RADIUS
is set to a
proper value)
bilinear, only available if the definition points configure an
structured hypercube-like grid. If n > 3, SIZES
should be given.
For n > 1, if the euclidean distance between the
arguments and the definition points is smaller than
, the definition point is returned
and no interpolation is performed. Default value is square root of
The initial radius of points to take into account in
is given by SHEPARD_RADIUS
. If no
points are found, the radius is double until at least one definition
point is found. The radius is doubled until at least one point is found.
. The exponent of the
method is given by SHEPARD_EXPONENT
Execute a set of instructions if a condition is met.
IF expr
<block_of_instructions_if_expr_is_false> ]
Define whether implicit definition of variables is allowed or not.
By default, FeenoX allows variables (but not vectors nor matrices) to
be implicitly declared. To avoid introducing errors due to typos,
explicit declaration of variables can be forced by giving
. Whether implicit declaration is allowed or
explicit declaration is required depends on the last
keyword given, which by default is
Include another FeenoX input file.
INCLUDE <file_path> [ FROM <num_expr> ] [ TO <num_expr> ]
Includes the input file located in the string file_path
at the current location. The effect is the same as copying and pasting
the contents of the included file at the location of the
keyword. The path can be relative or absolute.
Note, however, that when including files inside IF
that instructions are conditionally-executed but all definitions (such
as function definitions) are processed at parse-time independently from
the evaluation of the conditional. The included file has to be an actual
file path (i.e. it cannot be a FeenoX FILE
) because it
needs to be resolved at parse time. Yet, the name can contain a
commandline replacement argument such as $1
INCLUDE $1.fee
will include the file specified after the
main input file in the command line. The optional FROM
keywords can be used to include only portions of a
Define a matrix.
MATRIX <name> ROWS <expr> COLS <expr> [ DATA <expr_1> <expr_2> ... <expr_n> |
A new matrix of the prescribed size is defined. The number of rows
and columns can be an expression which will be evaluated the very first
time the matrix is used and then kept at those constant values. All
elements will be initialized to zero unless DATA
is given
(which should be the last keyword of the line), in which case the
expressions will be evaluated the very first time the matrix is used and
row-major-assigned to each of the elements. If there are less elements
than the matrix size, the remaining values will be zero. If there are
more elements than the matrix size, the values will be ignored.
Explicitly open a file for input/output.
OPEN <name> [ MODE <fopen_mode> ]
The given <name>
can be either a fixed-string path
or an already-defined FILE
. The mode is only taken into
account if the file is not already defined. Default is write
Write plain-text and/or formatted data to the standard output or into an output file.
PRINT [ <object_1> <object_2> ... <object_n> ] [ TEXT <string_1> ... TEXT <string_n> ]
[ FILE { <file_path> | <file_id> } ] [ HEADER ] [ NONEWLINE ] [ SEP <string> ]
[ SKIP_STEP <expr> ] [ SKIP_STATIC_STEP <expr> ] [ SKIP_TIME <expr> ] [ SKIP_HEADER_STEP <expr> ]
Each argument object
which is not a keyword of the
instruction will be part of the output. Objects can
be either a matrix, a vector or any valid scalar algebraic expression.
If the given object cannot be solved into a valid matrix, vector or
expression, it is treated as a string literal if IMPLICIT
, otherwise a parser error is raised. To
explicitly interpret an object as a literal string even if it resolves
to a valid numerical expression, it should be prefixed with the
keyword such as PRINT TEXT 1+1
that would
print 1+1
instead of 2
. Objects and string
literals can be mixed and given in any order. Hashes #
appearing literal in text strings have to be quoted to prevent the
parser to treat them as comments within the FeenoX input file and thus
ignoring the rest of the line, like
PRINT "\# this is a printed comment"
. Whenever an argument
starts with a porcentage sign %
, it is treated as a C
-compatible format specifier and all the objects that
follow it are printed using the given format until a new format
definition is found. The objects are treated as double-precision
floating point numbers, so only floating point formats should be given.
See the printf(3)
man page for further details. The default
. Matrices, vectors, scalar
expressions, format modifiers and string literals can be given in any
desired order, and are processed from left to right. Vectors are printed
element-by-element in a single row. See PRINT_VECTOR
print one or more vectors with one element per line (i.e. vertically).
Matrices are printed element-by-element in a single line using row-major
ordering if mixed with other objects but in the natural row and column
fashion if it is the only given object in the PRINT
instruction. If the FILE
keyword is not provided, default
is to write to stdout
. If the HEADER
is given, a single line containing the literal text given for each
object is printed at the very first time the PRINT
instruction is processed, starting with a hash #
keyword is not provided, default is to
write a newline \n
character after all the objects are
processed. Otherwise, if the last token to be printed is a numerical
value, a separator string will be printed but not the newline
character. If the last token is a string, neither the
separator nor the newline will be printed. The SEP
expects a string used to separate printed objects. To print objects
without any separation in between give an empty string like
SEP ""
. The default is a tabulator character
`DEFAULT_PRINT_SEPARATOR' character. To print an empty line write
without arguments. By default the PRINT
instruction is evaluated every step. If the SKIP_STEP
) keyword is given, the instruction is
processed only every the number of transient (static) steps that results
in evaluating the expression, which may not be constant. The
keyword works similarly for the optional
but by default it is only printed once. The
keyword use time advancements to choose how to
skip printing and may be useful for non-constant time-step problems.
Instruction akin to C’s printf
. Instruction akin to C’s
executed locally from all MPI ranks.
PRINTF PRINTF_ALL format_string [ expr_1 [ expr_2 [ ... ] ] ]
The format_string
should be a printf
string containing double-precision format specifiers. A matching number
of expressions should be given. No newline is written if not explicitly
asked for in the format string with \n
Do not ask for string literals %s
As always, to get a literal %
use %%
in the
format string.
Print one or more functions as a table of values of dependent and independent variables.
PRINT_FUNCTION <function_1> [ { function | expr } ... { function | expr } ]
[ FILE { <file_path> | <file_id> } ] [ HEADER ]
[ MIN <expr_1> <expr_2> ... <expr_k> ] [ MAX <expr_1> <expr_2> ... <expr_k> ]
[ STEP <expr_1> <expr_2> ... <expr_k> ] [ NSTEPs <expr_1> <expr_2> ... <expr_k> ]
[ FORMAT <print_format> ] <vector_1> [ { vector | expr } ... { vector | expr } ]
Each argument should be either a function or an expression. The
output of this instruction consists of n + k columns,
where n is the number of arguments of the first function of the
list and k is the number of functions and expressions given.
The first n columns are the arguments (independent variables)
and the last k one has the evaluated functions and expressions.
The columns are separated by a tabulator, which is the format that most
plotting tools understand. Only function names without arguments are
expected. All functions should have the same number of arguments.
Expressions can involve the arguments of the first function. If the
keyword is not provided, default is to write to
is given, the output is
prepended with a single line containing the names of the arguments and
the names of the functions, separated by tabs. The header starts with a
hash #
that usually acts as a comment and is ignored by
most plotting tools. If there is no explicit range where to evaluate the
functions and the first function is point-wise defined, they are
evalauted at the points of definition of the first one. The range can be
explicitly given as a product of n ranges
[x~i, min ~, x~i, max ~] for
i = 1, ..., n.
The values x~i, min ~ and
x~i, max ~ are given with the MIN
and MAX
keywords. The discretization steps of the
ranges are given by either STEP
that gives δx
that gives the number of steps. If the
first function is not point-wise defined, the ranges are mandatory.
Print the elements of one or more vectors, one element per line.
[ FILE { <file_path> | <file_id> } ] [ HEADER ]
[ SEP <string> ]
Each argument should be either a vector or an expression of the
integer i
. If the FILE
keyword is not
provided, default is to write to stdout
. If
is given, the output is prepended with a single line
containing the names of the arguments and the names of the functions,
separated by tabs. The header starts with a hash #
usually acts as a comment and is ignored by most plotting tools. The
keyword expects a string used to separate printed
objects. To print objects without any separation in between give an
empty string like SEP ""
. The default is a tabulator
character `DEFAULT_PRINT_SEPARATOR' character.
Solve a (small) system of non-linear equations.
SOLVE FOR <n> UNKNOWNS <var_1> <var_2> ... <var_n> [ METHOD { dnewton | hybrid | hybrids | broyden } ]
[ EPSABS <expr> ] [ EPSREL <expr> ] [ MAX_ITER <expr> ]
Sort the elements of a vector, optionally making the same rearrangement in another vector.
SORT_VECTOR <vector> [ ASCENDING | DESCENDING ] [ <other_vector> ]
This instruction sorts the elements of <vector>
into either ascending or descending numerical order. If
is given, the same rearrangement is
made on it. Default is ascending order.
Explicitly define one or more scalar variables.
VAR <name_1> [ <name_2> ] ... [ <name_n> ]
When implicit definition is allowed (see IMPLICIT
scalar variables need not to be defined before being used if from the
context FeenoX can tell that an scalar variable is needed. For instance,
when defining a function like f(x) = x^2
it is not needed
to declare x
explicitly as a scalar variable. But if one
wants to define a function like
g(x) = integral(f(x'), x', 0, x)
then the variable
needs to be explicitly defined as VAR x'
before the integral.
Define a vector.
VECTOR <name> SIZE <expr> [ FUNCTION_DATA <function> ] [ DATA <expr_1> <expr_2> ... <expr_n> |
A new vector of the prescribed size is defined. The size can be an
expression which will be evaluated the very first time the vector is
used and then kept at that constant value. If the keyword
is given, the elements of the vector will be
synchronized with the inpedendent values of the function, which should
be point-wise defined. The sizes of both the function and the vector
should match. All elements will be initialized to zero unless
is given (which should be the last keyword of the
line), in which case the expressions will be evaluated the very first
time the vector is used and assigned to each of the elements. If there
are less elements than the vector size, the remaining values will be
zero. If there are more elements than the vector size, the values will
be ignored.
Define how initial conditions of DAE problems are computed.
In DAE problems, initial conditions may be either:
equal to the provided expressions
the derivatives computed from the provided phase-space variables
the phase-space variables computed from the provided derivatives
In the first case, it is up to the user to fulfill the DAE system at
t = 0. If the residuals are not small enough, a convergence
error will occur. The FROM_VARIABLES
option means calling
routine with the parameter
means calling IDA’s IDACalcIC
routine with the parameter
IDA_Y_INIT. Wasora should be able to automatically detect which
variables in phase-space are differential and which are purely
algebraic. However, the DIFFERENTIAL
keyword may be used to
explicitly define them. See the SUNDIALS documentation for further
Ask FeenoX to solve a set of algebraic-differntial equations and define the variables, vectors and/or matrices that span the phase space.
PHASE_SPACE PHASE_SPACE <vars> ... <vectors> ... <matrices> ...
Force time-dependent problems to pass through specific instants of time.
TIME_PATH <expr_1> [ <expr_2> [ ... <expr_n> ] ]
The time step dt
will be reduced whenever the distance
between the current time t
and the next expression in the
list is greater than dt
so as to force t
coincide with the expressions given. The list of expressions should
evaluate to a sorted list of values for all times.
Define a boundary condition to be applied to faces, edges and/or vertices.
BC <name> [ MESH <name> ] [ GROUP <name_1> GROUP <name_2> ... ] [ <bc_data1> <bc_data2> ... ] [ GROUPS <name_1> <name_2> ... ]
If the name of the boundary condition matches a physical group in the
mesh, and neither GROUP
are given,
it is automatically linked to that physical group. If there are many
meshes, the mesh this keyword refers to has to be given with
. If the boundary condition applies to more than one
physical group in the mesh, they can be added using as many
keywords as needed. Each <bc_data>
argument is a single string whose meaning depends on the type of problem
being solved. For instance T=150*sin(x/pi)
prescribes the
temperature to depend on space as the provided expression in a thermal
problem and fixed
fixes the displacements in all the
directions in a mechanical or modal problem. See the particular section
on boundary conditions for further details. If the keyword
is given, then the rest of the tokens are parsed as
group names where the boundary condition is applied. If either
are given explicitly, then the
name is not used to try to implicitly link it to a
physical group in the mesh.
Compute the reaction (force, moment, power, etc.) at selected face, edge or vertex.
COMPUTE_REACTION <physical_group> [ MOMENT [ X0 <expr> ] [ Y0 <expr> ] [ Z0 <expr> ] ] RESULT { <variable> | <vector> }
keyword is not given, the zero-th order
reaction is computed, i.e. force in elasticity and power in thermal. If
keyword is given, then the coordinates of the
center can be given with X0
, Y0
. If they are not, the moment is computed about the
barycenter of the physical group. The resulting reaction will be stored
in the variable (thermal) or vector (elasticity) provided. If the
variable or vector does not exist, it will be created.
Dump raw PETSc objects used to solve PDEs into files.
DUMP [ FORMAT { binary | ascii | octave } ] [ K | K_bc | b | b_bc | M | M_bc |
Find and/or compute the absolute extrema of a function or expression over a mesh (or a subset of it).
FIND_EXTREMA { <expression> | <function> } [ OVER <physical_group> ] [ MESH <mesh_identifier> ] [ NODES | CELLS | GAUSS ]
[ MIN <variable> ] [ MAX <variable> ] [ X_MIN <variable> ] [ X_MAX <variable> ] [ Y_MIN <variable> ] [ Y_MAX <variable> ] [ Z_MIN <variable> ] [ Z_MAX <variable> ] [ I_MIN <variable> ] [ I_MAX <variable> ]
Either an expression or a function of space x, y
and/or z should be given. By default the search is performed
over the highest-dimensional elements of the mesh, i.e. over the whole
volume, area or length for three, two and one-dimensional meshes,
respectively. If the search is to be carried out over just a physical
group, it has to be given in OVER
. If there are more than
one mesh defined, an explicit one has to be given with
. If neither NODES
is given then the search is performed over the three
of them. With NODES
only the function or expression is
evalauted at the mesh nodes. With CELLS
only the function
or expression is evalauted at the element centers. With
only the function or expression is evalauted at the
Gauss points. The value of the absolute minimum (maximum) is stored in
the variable indicated by MIN
). If the
variable does not exist, it is created. The value of the
x-y-z coordinate of the absolute minimum
(maximum) is stored in the variable indicated by
). If the
variable does not exist, it is created. The index (either node or cell)
where the absolute minimum (maximum) is found is stored in the variable
indicated by I_MIN
Spatially integrate a function or expression over a mesh (or a subset of it).
INTEGRATE { <expression> | <function> } [ OVER <physical_group> ] [ MESH <mesh_identifier> ] [ GAUSS | CELLS ]
RESULT <variable>
Either an expression or a function of space x, y
and/or z should be given. If the integrand is a function, do
not include the arguments, i.e. instead of f(x,y,z)
write f
. The results should be the same but efficiency will
be different (faster for pure functions). By default the integration is
performed over the highest-dimensional elements of the mesh, i.e. over
the whole volume, area or length for three, two and one-dimensional
meshes, respectively. If the integration is to be carried out over just
a physical group, it has to be given in OVER
. If there are
more than one mesh defined, an explicit one has to be given with
. Either GAUSS
define how the integration is to be performed. With GAUSS
the integration is performed using the Gauss points and weights
associated to each element type. With CELLS
the integral is
computed as the sum of the product of the integrand at the center of
each cell (element) and the cell’s volume. Do expect differences in the
results and efficiency between these two approaches depending on the
nature of the integrand. The scalar result of the integration is stored
in the variable given by the mandatory keyword RESULT
. If
the variable does not exist, it is created.
Define a material its and properties to be used in volumes.
MATERIAL <name> [ MESH <name> ] [ LABEL <name_1> [ LABEL <name_2> [ ... ] ] ]
[ <property_name_1>=<expr_1> [ <property_name_2>=<expr_2> [ ... ] ] ]
If the name of the material matches a physical group in the mesh, it
is automatically linked to that physical group. If there are many
meshes, the mesh this keyword refers to has to be given with
. If the material applies to more than one physical
group in the mesh, they can be added using as many LABEL
keywords as needed. The names of the properties in principle can be
arbitrary, but each problem type needs a minimum set of properties
defined with particular names. For example, steady-state thermal
problems need at least the conductivity which should be named
. If the problem is transient, it will also need heat
capacity rhocp
or diffusivity alpha
Mechanical problems need Young modulus E
and Poisson’s
ratio nu
. Modal also needs density rho
. Check
the particular documentation for each problem type. Besides these
mandatory properties, any other one can be defined. For instance, if one
mandatory property depended on the concentration of boron in the
material, a new per-material property can be added named
and then the function boron(x,y,z)
be used in the expression that defines the mandatory property.
Pass verbatim options to PETSc.
PETSC_OPTIONS "command-line options for PETSc"
Options for PETSc can be passed either in at run time in the command
line (run with -h
to see how) or they can be set in the
input file with PETSC_OPTIONS
. This is handy when a
particular problem is best suited to be solved using a particular set of
options which can the be embedded into the problem definition. @
The string is passed verbatim to PETSc as if the options were set in
the command line. Note that in this case, the string is passed verbatim
to PETSc. This means that they are non-POSIX options but they have to be
in the native PETSc format. That is to say, while in the command line
one would give --ksp_view
, here one has to give
. Conversely, instead of
one has to give
-mg_levels_pc_type sor
Explicitly defines a physical group of elements on a mesh.
PHYSICAL_GROUP <name> [ MESH <name> ] [ DIMENSION <expr> ] [ ID <expr> ]
[ MATERIAL <name> | | BC <name> [ BC ... ] ]
This keyword should seldom be needed. Most of the times, a
combination of MATERIAL
and BC
ought to be
enough for most purposes. The name of the PHYSICAL_GROUP
keyword should match the name of the physical group defined within the
input file. If there is no physical group with the provided name in the
mesh, this instruction has no effect. If there are many meshes, an
explicit mesh can be given with MESH
. Otherwise, the
physical group is defined on the main mesh. An explicit dimension of the
physical group can be provided with DIMENSION
. An explicit
id can be given with ID
. Both dimension and id should match
the values in the mesh. For volumetric elements, physical groups can be
linked to materials using MATERIAL
. Note that if a material
is created with the same name as a physical group in the mesh, they will
be linked automatically, so there is no need to use
for this. The MATERIAL
is used to link a physical group in a
mesh file and a material in the feenox input file with different
Likewise, for non-volumetric elements, physical groups can be linked
to boundary using BC
. As in the preceding case, if a
boundary condition is created with the same name as a physical group in
the mesh, they will be linked automatically, so there is no need to use
for this. The BC
keyword in
is used to link a physical group in a mesh
file and a boundary condition in the feenox input file with different
names. Note that while there can be only one MATERIAL
associated to a physical group, there can be many BC
associated to a physical group.
Ask FeenoX to solve a partial differential equation problem.
PROBLEM { laplace | mechanical | modal | neutron_diffusion | neutron_sn | thermal }
[ 1D | 2D | 3D | DIM <expr> ] [ AXISYMMETRIC { x | y } ]
[ MODES <expr> ]
[ PRECONDITIONER { gamg | mumps | lu | hypre | sor | bjacobi | cholesky | ... } ]
[ LINEAR_SOLVER { gmres | mumps | bcgs | bicg | richardson | chebyshev | ... } ]
[ NONLINEAR_SOLVER { newtonls | newtontr | nrichardson | ngmres | qn | ngs | ... } ]
[ TRANSIENT_SOLVER { bdf | beuler | arkimex | rosw | glee | ... } ]
[ TIME_ADAPTATION { basic | none | dsp | cfl | glee | ... } ]
[ EIGEN_SOLVER { krylovschur | lanczos | arnoldi | power | gd | ... } ]
[ SPECTRAL_TRANSFORMATION { shift | sinvert | cayley | ... } ]
[ EIGEN_FORMULATION { omega | lambda } ]
[ DIRICHLET_SCALING { absolute <expr> | relative <expr> } ]
Currently, FeenoX can solve the following types of PDE-casted problems:
multi-group core-level neutron
diffusion with a FEM formulation
multi-group core-level neutron transport
discrete ordinates S~N~ for angular discretization, and
isoparametric finite elements for spatial discretization.
If you are a programmer and want to contribute with another problem type, please do so! Check out the programming guide in the FeenoX repository.
The number of spatial dimensions of the problem needs to be given
either as 1d
, 2d
, 3d
or after the
keyword DIM
. Alternatively, one can define a
with an explicit DIMENSIONS
before PROBLEM
. Default is 3D. If the
keyword is given, the mesh is expected to be
two-dimensional in the x-y plane and the problem is
assumed to be axi-symmetric around the given axis. If there are more
than one MESH
es defined, the one over which the problem is
to be solved can be defined by giving the explicit mesh name with
. By default, the first mesh to be defined in the input
file with READ_MESH
(which can be defined after the
keyword) is the one over which the problem is
solved. If the keyword PROGRESS
is given, three ASCII lines
will show in the terminal the progress of the ensamble of the stiffness
matrix (or matrices), the solution of the system of equations and the
computation of gradients (stresses, heat fluxes, etc.), if applicable.
are given, an intermediate check for
nodes without any associated elements will be performed. For
well-behaved meshes this check is redundant so by default it is not done
). With
, FeenoX will report the tag of the
hanging nodes and stop. With HANDLE_HANGING_NODES
, FeenoX
will fix those nodes and try to solve the problem anyway. By default,
FeenoX checks that all physical groups referred to in the
keywords exists (DETECT_UNRESOLVED_BCS
). If
is given, FeenoX will ignore
unresolved boundary conditions instead of complaining. This is handy
when using the same input for different meshes which might have
different groups, for example solving the same problem using a full
geometry or a symmetric geometry. The latter should have at least one
symmetry BC whilst the former does not. If the special variable
is zero, FeenoX solves a static problem—although
the variable static_steps
is still honored. If
is non-zero, FeenoX solves a transient or
quasi-static problem. This can be controlled by TRANSIENT
. By default FeenoX tries to detect whether
the computation should be linear or non-linear. An explicit mode can be
set with either LINEAR
. The
number of modes to be computed when solving eigenvalue problems is given
. The default value is problem dependent. The
preconditioner (PC
), linear (KSP
), non-linear
) and time-stepper (TS
) solver types be
any of those available in PETSc (first option is the default):
is omega
Kϕ = ω^2^Mϕ is solved, and
Mϕ = λKϕ if it is lambda
. Default is
, although some particular PDEs might change it (for
example free-free modal switches to omega
). The
keyword controls which of the matrices
has a zero and which one has a non-zero in the diagonal when setting
Dirichlet boundary conditions. Default is M
, i.e. matrix
K has a non-zero and matrix M has a zero. This
setting, along with EIGEN_FORMULATION
determines which
spectral transforms can a cannot be used: you cannot invert the matrix
with the zero in the diagonal. The DIRICHLET_SCALING
keyword controls the way Dirichlet boundary conditions are scaled when
computing the residual. Roughly, it defines how to compute the parameter
α. If absolute
, then α is equal to the
given expression. If relative
, then α is equal to
the given fraction of the average diagonal entries in the stiffness
matrix. Default is α = 1.
Read an unstructured mesh and (optionally) functions of space-time from a file.
READ_MESH { <file_path> | <file_id> } [ DIM <num_expr> ]
[ SCALE <expr> ] [ OFFSET <expr_x> <expr_y> <expr_z> ]
[ INTEGRATION { full | reduced } ]
[ READ_FIELD <name_in_mesh> AS <function_name> ] [ READ_FIELD ... ]
[ READ_FUNCTION <function_name> ] [READ_FUNCTION ...]
Either a file identifier (defined previously with a FILE
keyword) or a file path should be given. The format is read from the
extension, which should be either
, .msh2
or .msh4
ASCII format, versions 2.2, 4.0 or 4.1
ASCII legacy VTK
CalculiX’s FRD ASCII output
Note than only MSH is suitable for defining PDE domains, as it is the
only one that provides physical groups (a.k.a labels) which are needed
in order to define materials and boundary conditions. The other formats
are primarily supported to read function data contained in the file and
eventually, to operate over these functions (i.e. take differences with
other functions contained in other files to compare results). The file
path or file id can be used to refer to a particular mesh when reading
more than one, for instance in a WRITE_MESH
keyword. If a file path is given such as
, it can be later referred to as either
or just cool_mesh
The spatial dimensions can be given with DIM
. If
material properties are uniform and given with variables, the number of
dimensions are not needed and will be read from the file at runtime. But
if either properties are given by spatial functions or if functions are
to be read from the mesh with READ_DATA
, then the number of dimensions ought to be
given explicitly because FeenoX needs to know how many arguments these
functions take. If either OFFSET
and/or SCALE
are given, the node locations are first shifted and then scaled by the
provided values. When defining several meshes and solving a PDE problem,
the mesh used as the PDE domain is the one marked with
. If none of the meshes is explicitly marked as main,
the first one is used. If UPDATE_EACH_STEP
is given, then
the mesh data is re-read from the file at each time step. Default is to
read the mesh once, except if the file path changes with time. For each
keyword, a point-wise defined scalar function of
space named <function_name>
is defined and filled
with the scalar data named <name_in_mesh>
in the mesh file. The READ_FUNCTION
keyword is a shortcut
when the scalar name and the to-be-defined function are the same. If no
mesh is marked as MAIN
, the first one is the main one.
Explicitly solve the PDE problem.
Whenever the instruction SOLVE_PROBLEM
is executed,
FeenoX solves the PDE problem. For static problems, that means solving
the equations and filling in the result functions. For transient or
quasisstatic problems, that means advancing one time step.
Write a mesh and/or generic functions of space-time to a post-processing file.
WRITE_MESH <file> [ MESH <mesh_identifier> ] [ FILE_FORMAT { gmsh | vtk } ] [ NO_MESH ] [ NO_PHYSICAL_NAMES ]
[ NODE | CELL ] [ <printf_specification> ]
[ <scalar_field_1> ] [ <scalar_field_2> ] [...]
[ VECTOR [ NAME <name> ] <field_x> <field_y> <field_z> ] [...]
[ SYMMETRIC_TENSOR [ NAME <name> ] <field_xx> <field_yy> <field_zz> <field_xy> <field_yz> <field_zx> ] [...]
The format is automatically detected from the extension, which should
be either msh
(version 2.2 ASCII) or vtk
(legacy ASCII). Otherwise, the keyword FILE_FORMAT
has to
be given to set the format explicitly. If there are several meshes
defined by READ_MESH
, the mesh used to write the data has
be given explicitly with MESH
. If the NO_MESH
keyword is given, only the results are written into the output file
without any mesh data. Depending on the output format, this can be used
to avoid repeating data and/or creating partial output files which can
the be latter assembled by post-processing scripts. When targeting the
output format, if NO_PHYSICAL_NAMES
given then the section that sets the actual names of the physical
entities is not written.
This might be needed in some cases to avoid name clashes when dealing
with multiple .msh
files. The output is node-based by
default. This can be controlled with both the NODE
keywords. All fields that come after a
) keyword will be written at the
node (cells). These keywords can be used several times and mixed with
fields. For example
CELL k(x,y,z) NODE T sqrt(x^2+y^2) CELL 1+z
will write the
conductivity and the expression 1 + z as cell-based and the
temperature T(x, y, z) and the
expression $\sqrt{x^2+y^2}$ as a node-based fields. If a printf-like
format specifier starting with %
is given, that format is
used for the fields that follow. Make sure the format reads
floating-point data, i.e. do not use %d
. Default is
. The data to be written has to be given as a list of
fields, i.e. distributions (such as k
or E
functions of space (such as T
) and/or expressions (such as
). Each field is written as a
scalar, unless either the keywords VECTOR
are given. In the first case, the next
three fields following the VECTOR
keyword are taken as the
vector elements. In the latter, the next six fields following the
keyword are taken as the tensor
Write the problem mesh and problem results to a file for post-processing.
WRITE_RESULTS [ FORMAT { gmsh | vtk } ] [ FILE <file> ]
[ NO_PHYSICAL_NAMES ] [ <printf_specification> ]
Default format is gmsh
. If no FILE
provided, the output file is the same as the input file replacing the
extension with the format extension, i.e.
. If there are further optional command line
arguments, they are added prepending a dash, i.e.
Otherwise the given FILE
is used. If no explicit FORMAT
is given, the format is read
from the FILE
extension. When targeting the
output format, if NO_PHYSICAL_NAMES
given then the section that sets the actual names of the physical
entities is not written.
This might be needed in some cases to avoid name clashes when dealing
with multiple .msh
files. If a printf-like format specifier
starting with %
is given, that format is used for the
fields that follow. Make sure the format reads floating-point data, i.e.
do not use %d
. Default is %g
Flag that indicates whether the overall calculation is over.
This variable is set to true by FeenoX when the computation finished
so it can be checked in an IF
block to do something only in
the last step. But this variable can also be set to true from the input
file, indicating that the current step should also be the last one. For
example, one can set end_time = infinite
and then finish
the computation at t = 10 by setting
done = t > 10
. This done
variable can also
come from (and sent to) other sources, like a shared memory object for
coupled calculations.
Flag that indicates whether the static calculation is over or not.
It is set to true (i.e. ≠ 0) by feenox if step_static
. If the user sets it to true, the current step
is marked as the last static step and the static calculation ends after
finishing the step. It can be used in IF
blocks to check if
the static step is finished or not.
Flag that indicates whether the transient calculation is over or not.
It is set to true (i.e. ≠ 0) by feenox if t
. If the user sets it to true, the current step is
marked as the last transient step and the transient calculation ends
after finishing the step. It can be used in IF
blocks to
check if the transient steps are finished or not.
Actual value of the time step for transient calculations.
When solving DAE systems, this variable is set by feenox. It can be
written by the user for example by importing it from another transient
code by means of shared-memory objects. Care should be taken when
solving DAE systems and overwriting t
. Default value is
DEFAULT_DT, which is a power of two and roundoff errors are thus
Final time of the transient calculation, to be set by the user.
The default value is zero, meaning no transient calculation.
Dummy index, used mainly in vector and matrix row subindex expressions.
A very big positive number.
It can be used as end_time = infinite
or to define
improper integrals with infinite limits. Default is
2^50^ ≈ 1 × 10^15^.
Flag that indicates if FeenoX is solving the iterative static calculation.
This is a read-only variable that is non zero if the static calculation.
Flag that indicates if feenox is in the first step of the iterative static calculation.
Flag that indicates if feenox is in the last step of the iterative static calculation.
Flag that indicates if feenox is in a time belonging to a
Flag that indicates if feenox is solving transient calculation.
Flag that indicates if feenox is in the first step of the transient calculation.
Flag that indicates if feenox is in the last step of the transient calculation.
Dummy index, used mainly in matrix column subindex expressions.
Maximum bound for the time step that feenox should take when solving DAE systems.
Minimum bound for the time step that feenox should take when solving DAE systems.
The current rank in an MPI execution. Mind the
The number of total ranks in an MPI execution.
This should be set to a mask that indicates how to proceed if an error ir raised in any routine of the GNU Scientific Library.
This should be set to a mask that indicates how to proceed if an error ir raised in any routine of the SUNDIALS Library.
This should be set to a mask that indicates how to proceed if Not-A-Number signal (such as a division by zero) is generated when evaluating any expression within feenox.
A double-precision floating point representation of the number π
It is equal to the M_PI
constant in math.h
The Unix process id of the FeenoX instance.
Number of steps that ought to be taken during the static calculation, to be set by the user.
The default value is one, meaning only one static step.
Indicates the current step number of the iterative static calculation.
This is a read-only variable that contains the current step of the static calculation.
Indicates the current step number of the transient static calculation.
This is a read-only variable that contains the current step of the transient calculation.
Actual value of the time for transient calculations.
This variable is set by FeenoX, but can be written by the user for
example by importing it from another transient code by means of
shared-memory objects. Care should be taken when solving DAE systems and
overwriting t
A very small positive number.
It is taken to avoid roundoff errors when comparing floating point
numbers such as replacing a ≤ a~max~ with
a < a~max~+ zero
. Default is
(1/2)^−50^ ≈ 9 × 10^−16^ .
Returns the absolute value of the argument x.
Computes the arc in radians whose cosine is equal to the argument x. A NaN error is raised if |x| > 1.
Computes the arc in radians whose sine is equal to the argument x. A NaN error is raised if |x| > 1.
Computes, in radians, the arc tangent of the argument x.
Computes, in radians, the arc tangent of quotient y/x, using the signs of the two arguments to determine the quadrant of the result, which is in the range [−π, π].
Returns the smallest integral value not less than the argument x.
Returns the value of a certain clock in seconds measured from a
certain (but specific) milestone. The kind of clock and the initial
milestone depend on the optional integer argument f. It
defaults to one, meaning CLOCK_MONOTONIC
. The list and the
meanings of the other available values for f can be checked in
the clock_gettime (2)
system call manual page.
Computes the cosine of the argument x, where x is in radians. A cosine wave can be generated by passing as the argument x a linear function of time such as ωt + ϕ, where ω controls the frequency of the wave and ϕ controls its phase.
Computes the hyperbolic cosine of the argument x, where x is in radians.
Returns the CPU time used by the local FeenoX rank, in seconds. If
the optional argument f
is not provided or it is zero
(default), the sum of times for both user-space and kernel-space usage
is returned. For f=1
only user time is returned. For
only system time is returned.
Computes the time derivative of the expression given in the argument
x during a transient problem using the difference between the
value of the signal in the previous time step and the actual value
divided by the time step δt stored in dt
. The
argument x does not need to be a variable, it can be an
expression involving one or more variables that change in time. For
t = 0, the return value is zero. Unlike the functional
, the full dependence of these variables with
time does not need to be known beforehand, i.e. the expression
might involve variables read from a shared-memory object
at each time step.
Filters the first argument x with a deadband centered at zero with an amplitude given by the second argument a.
deadband(x, a)
Checks if the two first expressions a and b are
equal, up to the tolerance given by the third optional argument
ϵ. If either |a| > 1 or |b| > 1, the
arguments are compared using GSL’s gsl_fcmp
, otherwise the
absolute value of their difference is compared against ϵ. This
function returns zero if the arguments are not equal and one otherwise.
Default value for ϵ = 10^−9^.
equal(a, b, [eps])
Computes the exponential function the argument x, i.e. the base of the natural logarithm e raised to the x-th power.
Computes the first exponential integral function of the argument x. If x is zero, a NaN error is issued.
Computes the second exponential integral function of the argument x.
Computes the third exponential integral function of the argument x.
Computes the n-th exponential integral function of the argument x. If n is zero or one and x is zero, a NaN error is issued.
Returns the largest integral value not greater than the argument x.
Computes the Gamma function Γ(x).
Computes the zero-centered Heaviside step function of the argument x. If the optional second argument δ is provided, the discontinuous step at x = 0 is replaced by a ramp starting at x = 0 and finishing at x = δ.
heaviside(x, [delta])
Performs a conditional testing of the first argument a, and
returns either the second optional argument b if a is
different from zero or the third optional argument c if
a evaluates to zero. The comparison of the condition a
with zero is performed within the precision given by the optional fourth
argument ϵ. If the second argument c is not given and
a is not zero, the function returns one. If the third argument
c is not given and a is zero, the function returns
zero. The default precision is ϵ = 10^−9^. Even though
is a logical operation, all the arguments and the
returned value are double-precision floating point numbers.
if(a, [b], [c], [eps])
Computes the time integral of the expression given in the argument
x during a transient problem with the trapezoidal rule using
the value of the signal in the previous time step and the current value.
At t = 0 the integral is initialized to zero. Unlike the
functional integral
, the full dependence of these variables
with time does not need to be known beforehand, i.e. the expression
might involve variables read from a shared-memory object
at each time step.
Idem as integral_dt
but uses the backward Euler rule to
update the instantaenous integral value. This function is provided in
case this particular way of approximating time integrals is needed, for
instance to compare FeenoX solutions with other computer codes. In
general, it is recommended to use integral_dt
Returns one if the argument x rounded to the nearest integer is even.
Returns true if the argument x is in the interval [a, b), i.e. including a but excluding b.
is_in_interval(x, a, b)
Returns one if the argument x rounded to the nearest integer is odd.
Computes the regular cylindrical Bessel function of zeroth order evaluated at the argument x.
Filters the first argument x(t) with a first-order lag of characteristic time τ, i.e. this function applies the transfer function $G(s) = \frac{1}{1 + s\tau}$ to the time-dependent signal x(t) to obtain a filtered signal y(t), by assuming that it is constant during the time interval [t − Δt, t] and using the analytical solution of the differential equation for that case at t = Δt with the initial condition y(0) = y(t − Δt).
lag(x, tau)
Filters the first argument x(t) with a first-order lag of characteristic time τ to the time-dependent signal x(t) by using the bilinear transformation formula.
lag_bilinear(x, tau)
Filters the first argument x(t) with a first-order lag of characteristic time τ to the time-dependent signal x(t) by using the Euler forward rule.
lag_euler(x, tau)
Returns the value the variable x had in the previous time
step. This function is equivalent to the Z-transform operator
“delay” denoted by z^−1^[x]. For t = 0 the
function returns the actual value of x. The optional flag
p should be set to one if the reference to last
done in an assignment over a variable that already appears inside
expression x such as x = last(x)
. See example
number 2.
Limits the first argument x to the interval [a, b]. The second argument a should be less than the third argument b.
limit(x, a, b)
Limits the value of the first argument x(t) so to that its time derivative is bounded to the interval [a, b]. The second argument a should be less than the third argument b.
limit_dt(x, a, b)
Computes the natural logarithm of the argument x. If x is zero or negative, a NaN error is issued.
Returns the integer index i of the maximum of the arguments x~i~ provided. Currently only maximum of ten arguments can be provided.
mark_max(x1, x2, [...], [x10])
Returns the integer index i of the minimum of the arguments x~i~ provided. Currently only maximum of ten arguments can be provided.
mark_max(x1, x2, [...], [x10])
Returns the maximum of the arguments x~i~ provided. Currently only maximum of ten arguments can be given.
max(x1, x2, [...], [x10])
Returns the maximum memory (resident set size) used by FeenoX, in Gigabytes.
Returns the minimum of the arguments x~i~ provided. Currently only maximum of ten arguments can be given.
min(x1, x2, [...], [x10])
Returns the remainder of the division between the first argument a and the second one b. Both arguments may be non-integral.
mod(a, b)
Returns the memory usage as reported by PETSc in the give rank, in
Gigabytes. If no rank is given, each rank returns a local value which
should be printed with PRINTF_ALL
. Returns the memory
global usage as reported by PETSc summing over all ranks, in
mpi_memory_local([rank]) mpi_memory_global()
Returns one if the first argument x is zero and zero otherwise. The second optional argument ϵ gives the precision of the “zero” evaluation. If not given, default is ϵ = 10^−9^.
not(x, [eps])
Returns a random real number uniformly distributed between the first real argument x~1~ and the second one x~2~. If the third integer argument s is given, it is used as the seed and thus repetitive sequences can be obtained. If no seed is provided, the current time (in seconds) plus the internal address of the expression is used. Therefore, two successive calls to the function without seed (hopefully) do not give the same result. This function uses a second-order multiple recursive generator described by Knuth in Seminumerical Algorithms, 3rd Ed., Section 3.6.
random(x1, x2, [s])
Returns a random real number with a Gaussian distribution with a mean equal to the first argument x~1~ and a standard deviation equatl to the second one x~2~. If the third integer argument s is given, it is used as the seed and thus repetitive sequences can be obtained. If no seed is provided, the current time (in seconds) plus the internal address of the expression is used. Therefore, two successive calls to the function without seed (hopefully) do not give the same result. This function uses a second-order multiple recursive generator described by Knuth in Seminumerical Algorithms, 3rd Ed., Section 3.6.
random_gauss(x1, x2, [s])
Rounds the argument x to the nearest integer. Halfway cases are rounded away from zero.
Computes a sawtooth wave between zero and one with a period equal to one. As with the sine wave, a sawtooh wave can be generated by passing as the argument x a linear function of time such as ωt + ϕ, where ω controls the frequency of the wave and ϕ controls its phase.
Computes the hyperbolic secant of the argument x, where x is in radians.
Returns minus one, zero or plus one depending on the sign of the first argument x. The second optional argument ϵ gives the precision of the “zero” evaluation. If not given, default is ϵ = 10^−9^.
sgn(x, [eps])
Computes the sine of the argument x, where x is in radians. A sine wave can be generated by passing as the argument x a linear function of time such as ωt + ϕ, where ω controls the frequency of the wave and ϕ controls its phase.
Computes the hyperbolic sine of the argument x, where x is in radians.
Computes the positive square root of the argument x. If x is negative, a NaN error is issued.
Computes a square function between zero and one with a period equal to one. The output is one for 0 < x < 1/2 and zero for 1/2 ≤ x < 1. As with the sine wave, a square wave can be generated by passing as the argument x a linear function of time such as ωt + ϕ, where ω controls the frequency of the wave and ϕ controls its phase.
Computes the tangent of the argument x, where x is in radians.
Computes the hyperbolic tangent of the argument x, where x is in radians.
Returns one if the first argument x is greater than the threshold given by the second argument a, and zero otherwise. If the optional third argument b is provided, an hysteresis of width b is needed in order to reset the function value. Default is no hysteresis, i.e. b = 0.
threshold_max(x, a, [b])
Returns one if the first argument x is less than the threshold given by the second argument a, and zero otherwise. If the optional third argument b is provided, an hysteresis of width b is needed in order to reset the function value. Default is no hysteresis, i.e. b = 0.
threshold_min(x, a, [b])
Computes a triangular wave between zero and one with a period equal to one. As with the sine wave, a triangular wave can be generated by passing as the argument x a linear function of time such as ωt + ϕ, where ω controls the frequency of the wave and ϕ controls its phase.
Returns the time elapsed since the invocation of FeenoX, in seconds.
Report on GitHub https://github.com/seamplex/feenox or at jeremy@seamplex.com
The FeenoX web page contains links to the full source code, binary versions, updates, examples, verification & validation cases and full documentation: https://www.seamplex.com/feenox.
Jeremy Theler jeremy@seamplex.com.