Welcome to the Fino case files!
This is a set of individual test cases which use the free and open source FEM tool Fino to solve a wide variety of mechanical, thermal and modal problems. Almost al of the problems are meshed using the free and open source meshing tool Gmsh. Each case introduces the problem to be solved, what kind of results are expected and the explains
Since the cases are (mostly) sorted in an increasing order of complexity, they serve as a tutorial (especially the first one) introducing and explaining Fino features but also as a set of verification and validation problems. Of course any particular usage of Gmsh and Fino needs a thorough V&V report covering that usage following applicable norms and codes—such as ASME’s V&V 10. Yet this set of problem can serve as a basis for a particular V&V report, as indeed some of these cases were develop to verifiy and some other to validate Fino for actual industrial applications.
All cases are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
If you have any doubt, question or want to add a case to the list, do not hesitate contacting us.