Why is FeenoX different from other “similar” tools?
To better illustrate FeenoX’s unfair advantage (in the entrepreneurial sense), let us first consider what the options are when we need to write a technical report, paper or document:
Feature | Microsoft Word | Google Docs | Markdown1 | (La)TeX |
Aesthetics | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ |
Convertibility (to other formats) | 😐 | 😐 | ✅ | 😐 |
Traceability | ❌ | 😐 | ✅ | ✅ |
Mobile-friendliness | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
Collaborativeness | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | 😐 |
Licensing/openness | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ |
Non-nerd friendliness | ✅ | ✅ | 😐 | ❌ |
After analyzing the pros and cons of each alternative, at some point it should be evident that Markdown (plus friends) gives the best trade off. We can then perform a similar analysis for the options available in order to solve an engineering problem casted as a partial differential equation, say by using a finite-element formulation:
Feature | Desktop GUIs | Web frontends | FeenoX2 | Libraries |
Flexibility | ❌/😐 | ❌/😐 | ✅ | ✅ |
Scalability | ❌ | 😐 | ✅ | ✅ |
Traceability | ❌ | 😐 | ✅ | ✅ |
Cloud-friendliness | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Collaborativeness | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | 😐 |
Licensing/openness | ✅/😐/❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ |
Non-nerd friendliness | ✅ | ✅ | 😐 | ❌ |
Therefore, FeenoX is—in a certain sense—to desktop FEA programs like
and to libraries like
what Markdown is to Word and (La)TeX, respectively and deliberately.
Unlike these other FEA tools, FeenoX provides…
a ready-to-run executable (which uses Autotools and friends to compile) that reads the problem to be solved from an input file at run time (i.e. it is a program not a library) designed an implemented following the Unix programming philosophy:
$ feenox
FeenoX v0.3.317-g893dcd9
a cloud-first free no-fee no-X uniX-like finite-element(ish) computational engineering tool
usage: feenox [options] inputfile [replacement arguments] [petsc options]
-h, --help display options and detailed explanations of command-line usage
-v, --version display brief version information and exit
-V, --versions display detailed version information
--pdes list the types of PROBLEMs that FeenoX can solve, one per line
--elements_info output a document with information about the supported element types
--linear force FeenoX to solve the PDE problem as linear
--non-linear force FeenoX to solve the PDE problem as non-linear
Run with --help for further explanations.
a parser for a syntactically-sugared
ASCII file (passed as the first non-optional argument to the
executable) with keywords that completely define the
problem without requiring further human actions. Since the there is no
need to recompile the binary for each problem, this allows efficient cloud-first
workflows using containerized images or even provisioning by downloading
binary tarballs or .deb
a few supported PROBLEM
types and a mechanism to allow hacker and academics to add new PDEs (as explained
in the next bullet). This bullet is about the fact that a regular user wanting to solve heat
conduction (even with multi-material
non-uniform conductivities) just needs to do
PROBLEM thermal
and does not need to know nor write the weak form of the Poisson equation in the input file, since the vast majority of users will not know what a weak form is (even though other “similar” tools ask their users for that).
a Git repository
with GPL
sources (and CC-BY SA
documentation) where contributions
are welcome. In particular, each partial differential equation that
FeenoX can solve correspondens to one of the subdirectories of
that provide C
entry points that the main mathematical framework calls as function
pointer to build the elemental objects. The autogen.sh
step (prior to ./configure
and make
) detects
the directory structure and includes all the subdirectories it finds as
available problem
types. They can be queried at runtime with the --pdes
$ feenox --pdes
The decision of extensibility through compiled code is, as the choice of making FeenoX a program and not a library, a thoughtful one. See FeenoX for academics for more details about how the extensibility mechanism works.
continuous integration (using Github actions), an issue tracker (using Github issues and a discussion page (using Github discussions)
a mechanism to expand
command-line arguments as literal strings in the input file so as to
allow parametric
(and/or optimization)
loops. For instance, if an input file print.fee
PRINT 2*${1}
$ for i in $(seq 1 5); do feenox print.fee $i; done
the possibility to provide the input from stdin
as to use it as a Unix pipe) by passing -
as the input file
$ for i in $(seq 1 5); do echo "PRINT 2*\${1}" | feenox - $i; done
flexibility to handle many workflows, including web-based interfaces and thin command-line clients.
The input file…
Following the Unix rule of silence, the output is 100% user-defined: if there are not explicit output instructions, FeenoX will not write anything. And probably nothing will be computed (because FeenoX is smart and will not compute things that are not actually needed).
Feenox is a computational tool designed to be run on Unix servers as a part of a cloud-first workflow, optionally involving MPI communication among different servers to handle arbitrarily-large problems:
Check out the section about invocation in the FeenoX manual.
It has been written in C and designed under the Unix programming philosophy as quoted by Eric Raymond. Following the rule of composition, when solving PDEs FeenoX works very much as a Unix pipe between a mesher (such as Gmsh) and a post-processing tool (such as Paraview):
mesh (*.msh) } | | { terminal
data (*.dat) } input ----> | FeenoX |----> output { data files
input (*.fee) } | | { post (vtk/msh)
FeenoX consists of a binary executable which is compiled using GNU
(i.e. ./autogen.sh && ./configure && make
and uses three well-established and open source libraries:
So even more, considering the NAFEMS LE10 Benchmark problem, it works as two “glue layers,”
The stock packages provided in most GNU/Linux distributions work perfectly well, but custom configured and compiled versions (e.g. with particular optimization flags or linked with non-standard MPI implementations) can be used as well.
An empty Debian-based GNU/Linux server (either amd64
) can be provisioned with a working FeenoX binary at
ready to solve arbitrary problems by
sudo apt-get install -y libgsl-dev libsundials-dev petsc-dev slepc-dev
git clone https://github.com/seamplex/feenox
cd feenox
make install
Heads up! If we wanted to be sure everything went smooth, we would need to take some time to install Gmsh and run the test suite:
sudo apt-get install gmsh make check
These steps are flexible enough so as to be integrated into
containerization technologies (e.g. Docker files), continuous
integration schemes (e.g. Github actions) or to suit any other
particular needs (e.g. servers with custom PETSc installations or
clusters multi-node MPI communication schemes). For instance, it is also
possible to generate custom .deb
(or .rpm
packages and make the server’s apt
manager to fetch and
install them without needing to compile the source code at all.
Following the Unix rule of diversity, different compilers, both for the C code part of FeenoX as for the code in the dependencies (and their dependencies) can be used. So far there were tested
Also, different MPI implementations have been tested:
Feel free to raise any concerns you might have in our discussions forum.
FeenoX is a cloud-first back end for generic computational workflows to solve engineering-related problems:
Check out FeenoX for Engineers and FeenoX for Academics for complementary information.